Signal Jammer: ‘Recent Paintings’ 

Featuring paintings that combine darkly comedic text with pop-culture images, Lahr forms a narrative about working-class identity and the shaping of gender norms through mass culture. His painting style explores the question of how the visual language of digital culture can be co-opted through the practice of painting by integrating technology as a method to produce his work, impacting his use of color, saturation, and design.

About the Series:

Saturday Scholars: A different game plan for autumn weekends.
You are invited to join in discussion with Notre Dame’s most engaging faculty on some of the most pressing and fascinating issues of our times.

Each lecture and Q&A is presented in the Snite Museum’s Annenberg Auditorium on a home football game Saturday. All lectures are free and open to the public.

Learn More

November 2, 2019

Art and HistoryJason LahrPop CultureArt HistoryCollege of Arts and LettersDesignTechnology