Finding Meaning and Mission in a Restless World

This lecture brings a diverse audience together to explore questions of meaning and mission in an ever-changing world by building community and conversation. It focuses on a three stage cycle of human development: self-awareness, self-development, and self-gift.
Mar 13, 2025

Top 10 Learning Moments

  1. Heart’s desire sometimes doesn’t come easily, but put yourself on a journey where you can find your voice and your talents, then discipline yourself to find where those two intersect with your passions. That’s when you can fully be. — Sara Martinez Tucker
  2. Too many kids that grew up like me, their heritage is their destiny. That’s fine if it’s a choice, but I wanted more kids to have choice. — Sara Martinez Tucker
  3. If we believe that in Him all things are brought to completion, then I have to believe that my God, as well as the Blessed Mother, are working with me to make sure that we’re all seen as equal, even if we are unique, and that we all have the ability to reach completion. — Sara Martinez Tucker
  4. Explore what your prayer life would be like if you didn’t have the material possessions you’re used to. How would that shape your spirituality and your thinking?
  5. Vulnerability in leadership is essential. Christ came into the world in a vulnerable way and vulnerability is what connects us as human beings.
  6. I found hope where I least expected to find it. I learned that hope doesn’t come in numbers, but hope comes in the authenticity of an example. — Lou Nanni
  7. I realized that each and every one of us has the ability, at any given moment, to rise above our human frailties and limitations and testify to a love that is greater than us all. — Lou Nanni
  8. Take a break from the steady stream of activity to discover your true identity and value.
  9. A life lived by other people’s scripts just doesn’t work. — Parker Palmer
  10. I’ve slowly learned over the years to unburden myself of futile expectations and the lack of self-forgiveness that actually takes you out of the action rather than encouraging you to stay in at deeper levels. — Parker Palmer

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Featured Speakers

Rev. Daniel G. Groody, C.S.C., Vice President and Associate Provost; Associate Professor of Theology and Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame

Sara Martinez Tucker, Trustee and Fellow, University of Notre Dame

Lou Nanni, Vice President of University Relations, University of Notre Dame

Parker Palmer, Writer, Speaker, Activist, and Founder, Senior Partner Emeritus, Center For Courage and Renewal

“I found hope where I least expected to find it. I learned that hope doesn’t come in numbers, but hope comes in the authenticity of an example.”

– Lou Nanni

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