Coastal Boulder Displacement on the West Coast of Ireland

Coastal Boulder Displacement on the West Coast of Ireland

Notre Dame Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, Andrew Kennedy discusses his research in connection to the West of Ireland which focuses on waves, surge, and currents in the coastal ocean and their effects on human activities. Parts of this work are observational, ranging from the rapid deployment of wave and surge gauges in advance of hurricane landfalls, to the analysis of very large-scale bathymetric lidar datasets to determine morphological changes during large storms.

Meet the Director: Lisa Caulfield

Lisa Caulfield is the Director of the Kylemore Global Centre in Connemara, Ireland. Lisa completed an M.A. in modern Irish literature from the National University in Maynooth, County Kildare and has worked for the University of Notre Dame since 2004. In 2014, Lisa was appointed Director of the Kylemore Abbey Global Centre and by 2018 created an additional opportunity for ND junior semester abroad at the National University of Galway. Lisa teaches the Immunity to Change module on the Executive education program that is annually hosted at Kylemore and is responsible for curating the interdisciplinary programs, courses, residencies and retreats hosted at the Global Centre.

Meet the Faculty: Andrew Kennedy

Presented by Lisa Caulfield

Andrew Kennedy is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences at the University of Notre Dame. Professor Kennedy’s research focuses on waves, surge, and currents in the coastal ocean and their effects on human activities. Parts of this work are observational, ranging from the rapid deployment of wave and surge gauges in advance of hurricane landfalls, to the analysis of very large-scale bathymetric lidar datasets to determine morphological changes during large storms. Prof. Kennedy also holds a concurrent faculty position in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.

Waves, Surge, and Currents in the West of Ireland

Presented by Andrew Kennedy

Notre Dame Professor Andrew Kennedy provides and introduction to the work that he has been doing in the West of Ireland that focuses on water as a force that has shaped the landscape.

Coastal Boulders Research in Western Ireland

Presented by Mary Bourke

Trinity College Dublin Professor Mary Bourke discusses the research she has been conducting on coastal boulders in Western Ireland and how climate change and different types of storms affect coastlines in Ireland.

The Boulder Transport Problem

Presented by James Herterich

University College Dublin Professor James Herterich talks about his recent research into the boulder transport problem and how large boulders are transported on high-energy coastlines by storm waves, particularly on the West Coast of Ireland.

Additional Resources

Presented by Andrew Kennedy

View the Live Virtual Event

Presented by Lisa Caulfield

Wednesday, February 16, 2022 11:00 am

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Featured Speakers: 

  • Lisa Caulfield, Director of the Kylemore Global Centre in Connemara, Ireland, University of Notre Dame
  • Andrew Kennedy, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, University of Notre Dame

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