We Got Us Now: Walking with Children Impacted by Mass Incarceration
The Notre Dame Initiative on Race and Resilience (IRR) and the Center for Social Concerns (CSC) brought WE GOT US NOW to ND for Walk The Walk Week on January 18, 2024, Andrews Auditorium of Geddes Hall to show solidarity with, and shine dignity on those impacted by 50 years of mass incarceration. We Got Us Now is a national nonprofit advocacy organization established to build greater awareness about the historically invisible population of children impacted by parental incarceration. This multimedia educational event featured founder/CEO Ebony Underwood and WE GOT US NOW Actionists in an educational discussion that explored the well-being of this subpopulation of children by sharing stories and insights from lived experience, and bringing awareness to the issues faced by the over 10 million children impacted by parental incarceration in the United States. For more information on We Got Us Now, please visit their website.
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