The Newman Vocare Ensemble
The Newman Vocare Ensemble was formed in March 2017 by director emeritus, Steven C. Warner. Starting with six devoted singers, Vocare has grown to more than 25 members. Today the choir sings each Sunday at the 6:15 p.m. Mass in University Church and is directed by Dominique Cunningham. The choir features heavily on the Notre Dame – Newman Centre YouTube channel as an example of liturgical music choices for each Sunday of the year.

You can hear select voices from Vocare on Prayer in the Style of Taizé, released on Spotify and other streaming platforms in November 2023. The choir also recorded an album titled Easter in Ireland which was released in Spring 2020.
Enjoy selections from the Newman Vocare Ensemble below. To explore the full playlist, please click here.
March 22, 2024
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