Gabriel Reynolds

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Religion and Philosophy

Reasons for Our Hope

We’re delighted to share with you a resource closely related to the mission of The Global Church: a series of three videos (only 3 minutes long) on Jesus in the Bible and the...

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Religion and Philosophy

ThinkND series to explore world religions

University of Notre Dame theologians from the World Religions World Church program will embark on a seven-session virtual teaching series examining the Catholic Church in a...

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Religion and Philosophy

Episode 15: Science and Scripture

Join us as today’s guest, Professor Emeritus Stephen Barr, delves into particle physics and materialist cosmology to discuss whether science has made scripture obsolete.

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Religion and Philosophy

Episode 13: Abraham

This week, our hosts discuss one of the most critical, and potentially divisive, figures in their religious traditions: Abraham. How do Jews, Muslims, and Christians view this...

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Religion and Philosophy

Episode 11: Religious Pluralism

Under the conditions of globalization, more religious people than ever find themselves in close contact with members of other religious traditions. Our hosts convene in this...

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Religion and Philosophy

Episode 10: The Jewishness of the New Testament

This episode we welcome a distinguished New Testament scholar, Amy Jill Levine, who is the world expert on the Jewishness of the New Testament. She engages questions like, Why are...

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Religion and Philosophy

Episode 9: Qur’an Criticism

What importance do developments in critical scholarship on the Qur’an have for the life of faith? How have Muslims traditionally understood the Qur’an? What were the...

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Religion and Philosophy

Episode 8: Sickness and Healing

In light of the global Coronavirus pandemic, this month’s episode of Minding Scripture reflects on sickness, healing, and isolation in the Bible and in the Qur’an. What...

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Religion and Philosophy

Episode 7: Bible Criticism

This month, Minding Scripture, which brings together the life the mind and the life of faith, asks guest speaker Nathan Eubank and one of our hosts, Tzvi Novick, how...

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Religion and Philosophy

Episode 6: Afterlife

Life after death is a central concept in all three Abrahamic religions. What happens to a person after death? How do Judaism, Christianity, and Islam envision heaven and hell? And...

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Religion and Philosophy

Episode 5: Moses

Moses serves as a model to the prophet Muhammad in the Qur’an, represents the tribe of Israel in the Hebrew Bible and prefigures Jesus in the New Testament. With no external,...

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Religion and Philosophy

Episode 4: The Translation of Scripture

Robert Alter, translator of the Hebrew Bible, and David Bentley Hart, translator of the New Testament, are our guests in this episode, where they answer questions on staying...

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