Notre Dame Institute for Global Investing

Dear Friends,

The Notre Dame Institute for Global Investing, established in 2015 by husband and wife Jim Parsons ’96 and Dr. Carrie Quinn ’96, seeks to be the preeminent university-based investment management research and education program worldwide, convening ideas and people around critical industry topics. The Institute’s mission includes complementing Mendoza’s curriculum through investment-related, applied courses and programs; expanding internship and career placement opportunities for undergraduate and MBA students; providing experiential learning opportunities both in the U.S. and abroad; leveraging key partnerships among the college, and the University’s extensive alumni network; and furthering faculty research and thought leadership in areas related to global investment management.

The Notre Dame Institute for Global Investing seeks to make a significant impact in the investment discipline around the world. In order to fulfill our mission, the Institute will:
  • Educate & train. We will set our graduates apart from those of other institutions as a result of the premier education and values that stem from our University mission.
  • Promote research and thought leadership. Establish Notre Dame as a global presence, synonymous with best-in-class research and market application of investment principles.
  • Convene stakeholders. We will be a resource for the industry on ideas and talent so that Notre Dame and our graduates are recognized as setting the standard of ethical leadership in the competitive global investment markets.
Earlier this month, we hosted the annual Notre Dame Women’s Investing Summit that included a lineup of accomplished industry practitioners including keynote speaker and four-time Olympian Lindsey Vonn. The Notre Dame Women’s Investing Summit (‘WIS’) is a forum for female-led discussion related to markets, investing, leadership, and business. These senior women shared many lessons on achieving long-term success. The two-day event also included market-relevant topics and investment ideas across asset classes.

Join us on ThinkND!


Patty Brady ’00
Interim Managing Director, Institute of Global Investing
University of Notre Dame

March 5, 2023