ND Energy – Center for Sustainable Energy

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Dear Friends,

The production, use, and distribution of energy has never been more relevant to the future of human health and our habitability on Earth than it is today. Goal 7 of the United Nation’s plan for global sustainable development is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Yet today a billion people have no access to electricity and two billion continue to use open fires for cooking and heating. Achieving an equitable energy transition worldwide is a tremendous challenge, in part owing to the tremendous reliance on fossil fuels, the combustion of which is a major driver in climate change.

At the Center for Sustainable Energy (ND Energy), our mission is to create a clean and sustainable energy future for generations to come. Since 2005, we have collaborated with all colleges/schools to build a broad community of energy partners to achieve this goal. This enables advancements in interdisciplinary research, unsurpassed education programs, and outreach to increase awareness of grand challenges in energy.

Research business development is central to our mission. In collaboration with 90 faculty affiliates, we reinforce their research expertise and other scholarly endeavors, as well as increase funding to support future growth and the ever-changing energy landscape. Our comprehensive research services, facilities, and student fellowships strengthen these efforts. Other research-focused activities include workshops, seminars, and an annual research symposium to foster research collaborations and bring together world-renowned experts to lead important discussions.

Education is paramount to our mission as we prepare the next generation of energy leaders. The Energy Studies Minor offers a broad range of courses and experiential learning opportunities to undergraduate students in all majors. Since 2011, there have been 189 graduates with the largest cohort of 40 graduates in 2022. Interest will likely grow as more students choose to remedy climate change and the harmful effects of carbon emissions on our planet through formal education and careers in energy.

Outreach is a key component of our education goals. By focusing on STEM education and involving a diverse group of young students, we aim to attract a broad base of prospective energy leaders. Our elementary and pre-college programs engage faculty affiliates with local schools to teach students about key concepts in energy through demonstrations, hands-on activities, laboratory research experiences, and instruction. These programs focus on translating research into meaningful activities and thereby, support a comprehensive understanding and exchange of knowledge for community members of any age.

ND Energy’s impact on research and education is largely due to its leadership team who carry out our mission and engage others in advancing our goals. This vibrant energy community creates a strong foundation that aligns with the University’s Catholic character “to be a powerful force for good” and Pope Francis’s second encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. Both support our vision and inspire us to transition efficiently and justly to a clean and sustainable energy future for generations to come. We hope you will join us on this profound and urgent journey.


Peter C. Burns
Henry J. Massman Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Director of ND Energy

September 25, 2022