Gender & Ethnic Approach in the Colombian Truth Commission’s Work: A View of the Legacy

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 12:30 pm EST

The inclusion of an ethnic and gender approach in the Commission for Truth, Coexistence, and Non-Repetition (CEV) was a mandate derived from the Colombian Peace Accord and the result of a long struggle by ethnic, women’s and LGBTIQ+ organizations.

Lina Malagón, lecturer in gender and politics at the University of West England, will present a comparative analysis of the Commission’s methodology, findings, and recommendations on the ethnic, women’s and LGBTIQ+ chapters of the CEV’s final report and its transmedia archives. It will explore critical points of this analysis, lessons learned, and what remains as a working agenda for future implementation of the CEV’s recommendations.

Following the presentation, Jenna Sapiano, Kroc Institute visiting fellow, will offer her comments as a discussant. The event will be moderated by Josefina Echavarría Alvarez, director of the Peace Accords Matrix (PAM) and professor of the practice. This event was recorded on November 28, 2023.

For more information visit the event website.

Global AffairsClingen Family Center for the Study of Northern IrelandDigest189digest222Humanity UnitedInternational StudiesJosefina EchavarriaKellogg InstituteKroc InstituteLucy Family Institute for Data and SocietyPeace StudiesUniversity of Notre Dame