Center for the Study of Social Movements

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Dear Friends,

The Center for the Study of Social Movements (CSSM) is a vibrant community of faculty and graduate students at the University of Notre Dame, dedicated to promoting our understanding of social movements and social change. Faculty and graduate student affiliates produce leading scholarship, on diverse areas of social movements, including culture and emotions, electoral politics, differential participation, international and comparative organizing, and social network analysis.

The Center coordinates several annual international events, including the selection and celebration of the John D. McCarthy Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Scholarship of Social Movements and Collective Behavior and the Young Scholars in Social Movements Conference. These two events are hosted concurrently each spring on the Notre Dame campus, which creates a comfortable space for the most accomplished scholars in our field to interact with emerging social movement scholars.

The center also coordinates a weekly workshop, Studies in Politics And Movements (SPAM), which offers opportunities for collaboration and feedback on faculty and graduate student research. Finally, the CSSM is the editorial home of the online sources of social movement scholarship, Mobilizing Ideas.

The Center for the Study of Social Movements is also the host of the Mobilizing Ideas blog, which publishes interdisciplinary perspectives on social movements, social change, and the public sphere. To enhance conversation between scholars and activists, Mobilizing Ideas hosts exchanges between leading scholars from the social sciences and humanities and the activists they study, featuring original essays responding to a wide variety of problems related to social movements and social change.

We are proud to partner with ThinkND to share our resources with the alumni, parents, and friends of Our Lady’s University.

With best wishes,
Rory McVeigh
Nancy Reeves Dreux Professor in Sociology
Director, Center for the Study of Social Movements

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January 15, 2023