The Shift from Globalization to Regionalization and Reshoring

The Shift from Globalization to Regionalization and Reshoring

Ten Years Hence aims to engage in some structured speculation about the future – specifically the decade just ahead and the world we’re likely to inhabit ten years from now. We’ll do that from a number of perspectives, but all of it will be focused on one question: Is Globalism Dead?

Meet the Faculty: James S. O'Rourke

Teaching Professor, Management & Organization, Mendoza College of Business

James S. O’Rourke is an American rhetorician who teaches management and corporate communication, as well as business writing and speaking, at the University of Notre Dame. He is a Teaching Professor of Management and, from 1990 to 2017 was the Arthur F. and Mary J. O’Neil Director of the Fanning Center for Business Communication. He earned a BBA in Management from Notre Dame, an MS in Mass Communication from Temple University, an MA in Speech Communication from the University of New Mexico, and a Ph.D. in Public Communication from Syracuse University. He is the author of 23 prominent textbooks, including Management Communication, 6/e Routledge (Abingdon, Oxfordshire) and The Truth About Confident Presenting, 2/e Anthem Press (London). He is principal author or directing editor of more than 375 case studies in management and corporate communication. O’Rourke is a former trustee of both the Arthur W. Page Society and the Institute for Public Relations. He is also a member of the Management Communication Association, and a regular consultant to Fortune 500 and mid-size businesses throughout North America. During Spring 2018, he served as faculty-in-residence in Notre Dame’s M.K. Fischer Hall in London.

Meet the Speaker: Harry Moser

Harry Moser founded the Reshoring Initiative to bring five million manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. after working for high-end machine tool supplier GF AgieCharmilles, starting as President in 1985 and retiring in 2010 as Chairman Emeritus.

Largely due to the success of the Reshoring Initiative, Mr. Moser was inducted into the Industry Week Manufacturing Hall of Fame 2010 and AME’s Hall of Fame 2021. He was named Quality Magazine’s 2012 Quality Professional of the Year and FAB Shop Magazine’s Manufacturing Person of the Year.

He participated actively in President Obama’s 2012 Insourcing Forum at the White House, won The Economist magazine debate on outsourcing and offshoring, received the Manufacturing Leadership Council’s Industry Advocacy Award in 2014, along with the Made in America 2019 Reshoring Award.

Mr. Moser was recognized by Sue Helper, then Commerce Department Chief Economist, as the driving force in founding the reshoring trend and named to the Commerce Department Investment Advisory Council in August 2019. He testified before the House Commerce Committee and a June 9, 2022 Senate commission Hearing on U.S. supply chains and China.

Mr. Moser received a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, an Master of Science in Engineering at MIT in 1967, and then an MBA from the University of Chicago in 1981.

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Friday, January 27, 2023 10:40 am

This year marks the 21st anniversary of the Mendoza College of Business signature lecture series, Ten Years Hence. We invite you to join with us to see and hear a variety of experts talk about this year’s topic, framed around a question: “Is Globalism Dead?”

Some of our speakers will say the answer is “yes,” while others will say, “definitely not.” Still others aren’t so sure, offering a qualified, “perhaps.” Beginning Friday, January 27, 2023, Harry Moser, joined us to speak on “The Shift from Globalization to Regionalization and Reshoring.” Experience the series virtually with 75 current Notre Dame students in Jordan Auditorium for a session that promises to be engaging, informative, and fun.


Harry Moser, Founder of The Reshoring Initiative, Member Commerce Department Investment Advisory Council

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