The History of the Annual Notre Dame London Shakespeare Lecture

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The Notre Dame London Shakespeare Lecture in Honour of Professor Sir Stanley Wells started at the London Global Gateway in 2012. Envisioned as a celebration of a scholar of world renown, it is also a venue for students on the London program to meet leading academics and theatre practitioners who shape their fields.

Initiated by Professor Gregory Kucich and Shakespeare scholar Boika Sokolova, the lecture series has developed in close collaboration with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in Stratford-upon-Avon and the Shakespeare Institute (University of Birmingham).

The founding lecture, given by Professor Wells himself, presented a sweeping view of a lifetime dedicated to the study and teaching of Shakespeare, to his versatile interests and contributions to practically all major fields of the subject.

Since then, the London Global Gateway has gathered scholars, theatre professionals and students for exciting engagements with Shakespeare’s multiple afterlives. Distinguished academics: Ann Thompson, Lois Potter, Michael Dobson, Russell Jackson, have shared the challenges and delights of their research. Directors of major theatrical institutions: Sir Nicholas Hytner (National Theatre), Dominic Dromgoole (Shakespeare’s Globe), Gregory Doran (Royal Shakespeare Company), have given memorable talks.

One of the highlights of the rich academic program at the London Global Gateway, the Notre Dame London Shakespeare Lecture is an important sign of our presence in the intellectual life of London.