Meet the Faculty: Michael Baxter, Ph.D., ‘83 M.Div.

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Michael Baxter, Ph.D., ’83 M.Div. joins the McGrath Institute as Visiting Associate Professor. Dr. Baxter earned his Master of Divinity degree from the University of Notre Dame, and his Ph.D. in Theology and Ethics from Duke University. He currently teaches at Regis University in Denver, Colorado. He has also held teaching appointments at DePaul University, the University of Dayton University, and the University of Notre Dame (1996-2011). He has received a number of awards and distinctions, including the Charlotte Newcombe Dissertation Fellowship and the Allegheny College Blue Award for Distinction in Service.

He was a co-founder of Andre House in Phoenix and the Peter Claver Catholic Worker in South Bend. He is currently a Board Member of Our Lady of the Road, a daytime drop-in center for the poor and homeless in South Bend, and also of the Tamarindo Foundation in support of village-based social projects in El Salvador.

In his role as Visiting Associate Professor, among other projects, he will be helping the Institute with programming connecting the Eucharist and Catholic Social Teaching; working with the Notre Dame Office of Life and Human Dignity to assemble Catholic resources for anti-racist theory and practice; and helping the MICL make a substantial contribution toward understanding the significance of the cause for canonization of Dorothy Day.

Michael Baxter, Ph.D., ‘83 M.Div., University of Notre Dame
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