Elizabeth M. Renieris

View more in TEC Talks: Misinformation and Disinformation

Elizabeth Renieris

Professor of the Practice; Founding Director, Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab

Elizabeth M. Renieris is the Founding Director of the Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab, the applied research and development arm of the University of Notre Dameā€™s Technology Ethics Center, where she helps develop and oversee projects to promote human values in technology.

She is also a Technology and Human Rights Fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvardā€™s Kennedy School of Government, a Practitioner Fellow at Stanfordā€™s Digital Civil Society Lab, and an Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society.

Elizabethā€™s work is focused on cross-border data governance, as well as the ethical challenges and human rights implications of digital identity, blockchain, and other new and advanced technologies.

As the Founder & CEO of HACKYLAWYER, a consultancy focused on law and policy engineering, Elizabeth has advised the World Bank, the U.K. Parliament, the European Commission, and a variety of international organizations and NGOs on these subjects. Sheā€™s also working on a forthcoming book about the future of data governance through MIT Press.

Elizabeth holds a Master of Laws from the London School of Economics, a Juris Doctor from Vanderbilt University, and a Bachelor of Arts from Harvard College.

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