The third annual Accountability in a Sustainable World conference coincided with the Sustainable Investment Forum, North America (SINVNA), in conjunction with the United Nations Environmental Program Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI). The conference included over 50 academic and non-academic speakers. Minimizing the carbon footprint and to accommodate as many delegates as possible, these sessions were presented virtually.

Continuing upon the successes of the previous two conferences, the 2023 Accountability in a Sustainable World conference delved deeper into regulation, sustainability reporting, capital allocation, and performance metrics. The ongoing conversation answers the immediate need for dialogue among academics and non-academics about sustainability, data and measurement, related assurance, high-quality information to inform responsible investment decisions, and accountability in setting personal, corporate, and public sector goals.

This conference focused on key pillars of a sustainable future: investment, assurance, regulation, and target setting while building and strengthening the links between academia and practice. A main feature of the conference is to generate discourse between academics and non-academics, featuring high-profile, well-informed, often provocative speakers. We devoted a considerable portion of the conference to a discussion of the Politicization of ESG.

To view any of the video recordings from the 2023 CARE Conference, please click here.

Peter Easton Opening Remarks ASW2023

Peter Easton, Accountability in a Sustainable World Quarterly Editor in Chief, Center for Accounting Research and Education Academic Director, and Notre Dame Alumni Professor of Accounting, University of Notre Dame Professor Easton’s expertise in accounting and valuation is widely recognized by the academic research community and by the legal community. He is a qualified expert witness in the Delaware Chancery Court and has consulted on valuation issues for investment and accounting firms in Australia, the UK, and the USA.

He, together with John Wilde, Mary Lea McAnally, and Robert Halsey, is author of Financial Accounting for MBAs, now in its sixth publication; Financial & Managerial Accounting for MBAs, authored with Robert Halsey, Mary Lea McAnally, Al Hartgraves and Wayne Morse is in its fourth edition; Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation, authored with Mary Lea McAnally, Patricia Fairfield, Xiao-Jun Zhang and Robert Halsey is currently in its third edition; Valuation Using Financial Statements, written with Gregory Sommers and Philip Drake is in its second edition; and “Estimating the Cost of Capital Implied by Market Prices and Accounting Data,” was published in Foundations and Trends in Accounting in 2009. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Accountability in a Sustainable World Quarterly.

October 6, 2023

BusinessAccountability in a Sustainable World QuarterlyCapital Allocation in the Oil and Gas IndustryCarbon Adjustment TaxCarbon FootprintCarbon Trading MarketsCenter for Accounting Research and EducationCorporate BoardsCorporate Carbon Emission StatementsCorporate Social ResponsibilityData QualityDigest213digest222ESGFinancial ReportingGreenwashingMendoza College of BusinessMitigating EmissionsSustainability ReportingUniversity of Notre Dame

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