Forum 22-23: The Suppliants Project: Ukraine
This event was part of the 2022-23 Notre Dame Forum, focused on the theme “War & Peace.”
On October 3, 2022, iconic Notre Dame Stadium provided the backdrop for The Suppliants Project: Ukraine, in partnership with Theater of War Productions.
Featuring Emmy-winning actors, Anthony Edwards and Keith David as well as actor/director Tate Donovan and seven Ukrainian students currently studying at Notre Dame, the cast performed a dramatic reading of Aeschylus’ play The Suppliants, a Greek tragedy about the costs of war. Following the reading, a panel of Notre Dame community members who have experienced violence and war in countries around the world offered their reactions and experiences, kicking off a town-hall style global discussion designed to draw out our reactions to the themes of the play, foster empathy, compassion and a deeper understanding of complex issues, and help us consider our role as peace-makers in the world.
The Suppliants is an ancient Greek play about a group of refugees who seek asylum from forced marriage and violence in the city of Argos.
For more information visit the event website.
October 3, 2022
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