The October Rundown with guest Chris Becker
Establishing Shot is thrilled to again have an amazing guest sitting down with Ted and Ricky to run through what the Browning Cinema is offering this October. That guest would be the one and the only Professor Chris Becker, who teaches in the Department of Film, Television, and Theatre here at the University of Notre Dame, runs the extremely popular Notre Dame Film Society, and can be heard on her own supersmart podcast Aca-Media. She’s joining Ted and Ricky to run through what is, despite Fall Break, a very busy month at the Browning. Also, Ricky will be donning Canadian thrift store duds and talking about the fun (or not so fun but very, very good) films he caught at the Toronto International Film Festival.
Podcast hosts Ted Barron and Ricky Herbst chat about the who, what, when, and where of films, festivals, and the cinematic arts.
October 1, 2018
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