Medieval Institute Research Blog

The Medieval Studies Research Blog is a multi-author blog sponsored by the Medieval Institute. Our posts come from current and former members as well as friends of Notre Dame’s vibrant international medievalist community. The blog represents the full spectrum of research performed among medieval scholars, including faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students, and touches on topics related to current research projects, pedagogy, the state of the humanities, working in the archives, translation and editing projects, and more. 

Undergraduates play a vital role at the Medieval Institute. This blog showcases as well their academic contributions, pursuits, and successes as researchers participating in the university’s intellectual culture. Their work, often the product of rigorous coursework, demonstrates their ability to pursue their own academic research in a capacity that also appeals to the wider public. 

For information about the Medieval Institute Research Blog or how to contribute, please visit the website.

August 16, 2022

Art and HistoryBlogDigest151Medieval Institute