Coffee for Integration: Insights on Empowering Migrants and Refugees in the Americas

The global economy depends on the contributions of international migrant workers, who make up almost five percent of the workforce worldwide. Yet these workers experience greater vulnerabilities: They occupy insecure and lower-paying jobs, face barriers to accessing basic social services, and are at higher risk for trafficking and gender-based violence.

What lessons can the Americas—home to approximately a quarter of all migrant workers—share for promoting the human dignity of this population? What can the region teach us about employing workers and encouraging entrepreneurship? And what can policymakers do to help economically integrate migrants and refugees?

Join us for a policy discussion and hear insights from experts who will explore these questions. This panel is part of the Government of Colombia’s “Coffee for Integration” series.

Presented by the Government of Colombia, the Organization of American States’ Department of Social Inclusion, and by the University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs and its Kellogg Institute for International Studies.

This discussion will be primarily in Spanish, but translation will be available for attendees who are watching via Zoom. This event was recorded on May 3, 2022.

For more information visit the event website.

Keough School of Global Affairs

May 3, 2022

Global AffairsDigest170Keough School of Global AffairsMigrant WorkersRefugees

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