Russia in Ukraine: What’s Religion Got to Do with It?

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly invoked religion in an effort to justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

How, specifically, has Putin used religion—and in particular, Russian Orthodox Christianity—in his rhetoric? To what extent has it helped him build support for the war? How do such actions fit into a larger global context where political leaders at times seek to instrumentalize religion for ostensibly secular ends? And how is religion helping to address the human cost of the war, as religious NGOs provide assistance for Ukrainian refugees?

Join us to hear insights from a panel of experts, who will discuss these questions.

Presented by the Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion and the Nanovic Institute for European Studies. This event was recorded on April 21, 2022.

Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion

April 21, 2022

Global AffairsReligion and PhilosophyAnsari Institute for Global Engagement with ReligionDigest170Digest175Digest188ReligionRussiaUkraineUniversity of Notre Dame

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