On behalf of ThinkND, Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and father figures in the Notre Dame family. This week's ThinkND Weekly Digest highlights Father's Day.

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Becoming Dads: How Evolution Helps Us Understand Men's Hormones, Behavior, and Health as Fathers

Fathers shape their children's well-being through a range of parenting behaviors. While common for humans, this is rare for mammals. This talk helps us use evolution and culture to understand fathers' roles, biology as parents, and health.
Becoming Dads: How Evolution Helps Us Understand Men's Hormones, Behavior, and Health as Fathers
Watch time: 57 minutes

Fathers' Postnatal Hormone Levels Predict Later Caregiving, Study Shows

Much has been written about what happens to mothers hormonally during pregnancy and after, but what about fathers? In a first-of-its-kind study, University of Notre Dame researchers focused on how dads' biology around the birth of their children relates to their parenting down the road.
Fathers' Postnatal Hormone Levels Predict Later Caregiving, Study Shows
Read time: 3 minutes

In Celebration of Fathers

Notre Dame's Snite Museum of Art has curated a gallery titled "In Celebration of Fathers." The collection includes eleven pieces from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
In Celebration of Fathers from the Snite Museum of Art
Read time: 3 minutes
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Kylemore Book Club: Literature & Film in Lockdown

Join us for week 2 of Literature & Film in Lockdown, a new, free, multimedia, educational enrichment program that examines literary works and movies set in times of quarantine. Led by Professor Barry McCrea, this week's reading "Decameron" by Boccaccio (chapters "Introduction" and "First Story") is accompanied by explainer videos and the weekly interactive Zoom session.

Join us for the live discussion on Wednesday, June 24, at 1 PM EDT with Prof. Barry McCrea about "Decameron." Participants can ask questions and discuss the book excerpts.
Tune in live this week for virtual events from Notre Dame:

A Change is Gonna Come: A Discussion of George Floyd, Public Safety, and a Collective Response to Injustice – Mon, June 22, 2:30 PM EDT
A powerful discussion with Prof. Richard Pierce, Reggie Brooks, and Coach Coquese Washington.

Play Like a Champion Today Virtual Sports Leadership Conference – Tue - Thu, June 23 - 25
Join the annual gathering of youth athletic coaches and leaders from across North America.

A Century of Votes for Women: American Elections Since Suffrage – Tue, June 23, 6 PM EDT
Research Uncorked features Christina Wolbrecht, professor of political science.

The Forgotten Devotional Life – Wed, June 24, 3:30 PM EDT
The talk is part of the "Called & Co-Responsible Summer Seminar" hosted by the McGrath Institute.
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