Coronavirus with Dr. Kristin Collier and Charlie Camosy
Leonard DeLorenzo ’03, ’08 M.A., ’14 PhD, for Church Life Today welcomes a medical doctor and a bioethicist to talk about the developing situation surrounding the coronavirus outbreak. Dr. Kristin Collier, assistant professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan, and Professor Charlie Camosy ’97, ’00 M.A., ’08 PhD, associate professor of bioethics in the department of theology at Fordham University discuss how to respond to the pandemic.
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- What ethical issues do I face at home or in my profession due to the coronavirus?
- What can I do to support hospitals and doctors at this time?
- During this time, how do you answer the call to neighborly love and show compassion to others who are affected by COVID-19
- How do these uncertain times affect your faith?
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